Package | Description |
com.actionbarsherlock.internal | | | |
com.actionbarsherlock.internal.view | | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ActionBarSherlockCompat.onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu,
boolean allMenusAreClosing) |
boolean |
ActionBarSherlockCompat.onMenuItemSelected(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItem item) |
void |
ActionBarSherlockCompat.onMenuModeChange(MenuBuilder menu) |
boolean |
ActionBarSherlockCompat.onOpenSubMenu(MenuBuilder subMenu) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ActionBarImpl.ActionModeImpl.onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu,
boolean allMenusAreClosing) |
boolean |
ActionBarImpl.ActionModeImpl.onMenuItemSelected(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItem item) |
void |
ActionBarImpl.ActionModeImpl.onMenuModeChange(MenuBuilder menu) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
StandaloneActionMode.onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu,
boolean allMenusAreClosing) |
boolean |
StandaloneActionMode.onMenuItemSelected(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItem item) |
void |
StandaloneActionMode.onMenuModeChange(MenuBuilder menu) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
The model for a sub menu, which is an extension of the menu.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected MenuBuilder |
BaseMenuPresenter.mMenu |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MenuBuilder |
SubMenuBuilder.getRootMenu() |
MenuBuilder |
Gets the root menu (if this is a submenu, find its root menu).
MenuBuilder |
MenuBuilder.setDefaultShowAsAction(int defaultShowAsAction) |
protected MenuBuilder |
MenuBuilder.setHeaderIconInt( icon)
Sets the header's icon.
protected MenuBuilder |
MenuBuilder.setHeaderIconInt(int iconRes)
Sets the header's icon.
protected MenuBuilder |
MenuBuilder.setHeaderTitleInt(CharSequence title)
Sets the header's title.
protected MenuBuilder |
MenuBuilder.setHeaderTitleInt(int titleRes)
Sets the header's title.
protected MenuBuilder |
MenuBuilder.setHeaderViewInt(android.view.View view)
Sets the header's view.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MenuPresenter.collapseItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItemImpl item)
Called when a menu item with a collapsable action view should collapse its action view.
boolean |
MenuPopupHelper.collapseItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItemImpl item) |
boolean |
BaseMenuPresenter.collapseItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItemImpl item) |
boolean |
MenuPresenter.expandItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItemImpl item)
Called when a menu item with a collapsable action view should expand its action view.
boolean |
MenuPopupHelper.expandItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItemImpl item) |
boolean |
BaseMenuPresenter.expandItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItemImpl item) |
void |
MenuPresenter.initForMenu(android.content.Context context,
MenuBuilder menu)
Initialize this presenter for the given context and menu.
void |
MenuPopupHelper.initForMenu(android.content.Context context,
MenuBuilder menu) |
void |
BaseMenuPresenter.initForMenu(android.content.Context context,
MenuBuilder menu) |
void |
ActionMenuPresenter.initForMenu(android.content.Context context,
MenuBuilder menu) |
void |
MenuView.initialize(MenuBuilder menu)
Initializes the menu to the given menu.
void |
ActionMenuView.initialize(MenuBuilder menu) |
void |
MenuPresenter.onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu,
boolean allMenusAreClosing)
Called by Menu implementations to indicate that a menu or submenu is
void |
MenuPresenter.Callback.onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu,
boolean allMenusAreClosing)
Called when a menu is closing.
void |
MenuPopupHelper.onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu,
boolean allMenusAreClosing) |
void |
BaseMenuPresenter.onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu,
boolean allMenusAreClosing) |
void |
ActionMenuPresenter.onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu,
boolean allMenusAreClosing) |
boolean |
MenuBuilder.Callback.onMenuItemSelected(MenuBuilder menu,
MenuItem item)
Called when a menu item is selected.
void |
MenuBuilder.Callback.onMenuModeChange(MenuBuilder menu)
Called when the mode of the menu changes (for example, from icon to expanded).
boolean |
MenuPresenter.Callback.onOpenSubMenu(MenuBuilder subMenu)
Called when a submenu opens.
Constructor and Description |
MenuPopupHelper(android.content.Context context,
MenuBuilder menu) |
MenuPopupHelper(android.content.Context context,
MenuBuilder menu,
android.view.View anchorView) |
MenuPopupHelper(android.content.Context context,
MenuBuilder menu,
android.view.View anchorView,
boolean overflowOnly) |
SubMenuBuilder(android.content.Context context,
MenuBuilder parentMenu,
MenuItemImpl item) |
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