
sealed class Assert<out T>

An assertion. Holds an actual value to assertion on and an optional name.

See also


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val name: String?


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fun <T> Assert<T>.all(body: Assert<T>.() -> Unit)
fun <T> Assert<T>.all(message: String, body: Assert<T>.() -> Unit)

All assertions in the given lambda are run.

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fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.any(f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the iterable, passing if any of the items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

fun <E, T : Sequence<E>> Assert<T>.any(f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the sequence, passing if any of the items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

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fun Assert<*>.appendName(name: String, separator: String = ""): String

Constructs a new name appending to the existing name if available using the given separator.

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abstract fun <R> assertThat(actual: R, name: String? = Assert<R>

Asserts on the given value with an optional name.

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fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.atLeast(times: Int, f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the iterable, passing if at least times items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

fun <E, T : Sequence<E>> Assert<T>.atLeast(times: Int, f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the sequence, passing if at least times items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

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fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.atMost(times: Int, f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the iterable, passing if at most times items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

fun <E, T : Sequence<E>> Assert<T>.atMost(times: Int, f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the sequence, passing if at most times items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

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Returns an assert on the file's contents as bytes.

Assert on file bytes

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Returns an assert on the throwable's cause.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.contains(element: Any?)

Asserts the array contains the expected element, using in.

fun Assert<Iterable<*>>.contains(element: Any?)

Asserts the iterable contains the expected element, using in.

fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.contains(element: Pair<K, V>)
fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.contains(key: K, value: V)

Asserts the map contains the expected key-value pair.

fun Assert<Sequence<*>>.contains(element: Any?)

Asserts the sequence contains the expected element, using in.

fun Assert<CharSequence>.contains(vararg expected: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the char sequence contains the expected subsequence(s).

fun Assert<CharSequence>.contains(expected: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the char sequence contains the expected subsequence.

fun Assert<CharSequence>.contains(expected: Iterable<CharSequence>, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the char sequence contains the expected char sequences.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.containsAll(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the array contains at least the expected elements, in any order. The array may also contain additional elements.

fun Assert<Iterable<*>>.containsAll(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the iterable contains at least the expected elements, in any order. The collection may also contain additional elements.

fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.containsAll(vararg elements: Pair<K, V>)

Asserts the map contains at least the expected elements. The map may also contain additional elements.

fun Assert<Sequence<*>>.containsAll(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the sequence contains at least the expected elements, in any order. The collection may also contain additional elements.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.containsAtLeast(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the array contains at least the expected elements, in any order. The array may also contain additional elements.

fun Assert<Iterable<*>>.containsAtLeast(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the iterable contains at least the expected elements, in any order. The collection may also contain additional elements.

fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.containsAtLeast(vararg elements: Pair<K, V>)

Asserts the map contains at least the expected elements. The map may also contain additional elements.

fun Assert<Sequence<*>>.containsAtLeast(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the sequence contains at least the expected elements, in any order. The collection may also contain additional elements.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.containsExactly(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the array contains exactly the expected elements. They must be in the same order and there must not be any extra elements.

fun Assert<List<*>>.containsExactly(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the list contains exactly the expected elements. They must be in the same order and there must not be any extra elements.

fun Assert<Sequence<*>>.containsExactly(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the sequence contains exactly the expected elements. They must be in the same order and there must not be any extra elements.

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fun Assert<Iterable<*>>.containsExactlyInAnyOrder(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the iterable contains exactly the expected elements, in any order. Each value in expected must correspond to a matching value in actual, and visa-versa.

fun Assert<Sequence<*>>.containsExactlyInAnyOrder(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the sequence contains exactly the expected elements, in any order. Each value in expected must correspond to a matching value in actual, and visa-versa.

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Asserts the char sequence contains a match of the regular expression.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.containsNone(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the collection does not contain any of the expected elements.

fun Assert<Iterable<*>>.containsNone(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the iterable does not contain any of the expected elements.

fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.containsNone(vararg elements: Pair<K, V>)

Asserts the map does not contain any of the expected elements.

fun Assert<Sequence<*>>.containsNone(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the sequence does not contain any of the expected elements.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.containsOnly(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the array contains only the expected elements, in any order.

fun Assert<Iterable<*>>.containsOnly(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the iterable contains only the expected elements, in any order. Duplicate values in the expected and actual are ignored.

fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.containsOnly(vararg elements: Pair<K, V>)

Asserts the map contains only the expected elements. There must not be any extra elements.

fun Assert<Sequence<*>>.containsOnly(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the sequence contains only the expected elements, in any order. Duplicate values in the expected and actual are ignored.

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fun Assert<List<*>>.containsSubList(sublist: List<*>)

Asserts that a collection contains a subset of items the same order, but may have other items in the list.

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fun <T, E> Assert<T>.corresponds(expected: E, correspondence: (T, E) -> Boolean)

Asserts the value corresponds to the expected one using the given correspondence function to compare them. This is useful when the objects don't have an equals implementation.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.doesNotContain(element: Any?)

Asserts the array does not contain the expected element, using !in.

fun Assert<Iterable<*>>.doesNotContain(element: Any?)

Asserts the iterable does not contain the expected element, using !in.

fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.doesNotContain(element: Pair<K, V>)
fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.doesNotContain(key: K, value: V)

Asserts the map does not contain the expected key-value pair.

fun Assert<Sequence<*>>.doesNotContain(element: Any?)

Asserts the sequence does not contain the expected element, using !n.

fun Assert<CharSequence>.doesNotContain(vararg expected: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the char sequence does not contain the specified char sequence(s).

fun Assert<CharSequence>.doesNotContain(expected: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the char sequence does not contain the specified char sequence.

fun Assert<CharSequence>.doesNotContain(expected: Iterable<CharSequence>, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the char sequence does not contain the specified char sequences.

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fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.doesNotContainKey(key: K)

Asserts the map does not contain the expected key.

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fun <T, E> Assert<T>.doesNotCorrespond(expected: E, correspondence: (T, E) -> Boolean)

Asserts the value does not correspond to the expected one using the given correspondence function to compare them. This is useful when the objects don't have an equals implementation.

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inline fun <T : Any> Assert<Any>.doesNotHaveClass()

Asserts the value does not have the expected kotlin class. This is an exact match, so assertThat("test").doesNotHaveClass<String>() fails but assertThat("test").doesNotHaveClass<Any>() is successful.

fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.doesNotHaveClass(kclass: KClass<out T>)

Asserts the value does not have the expected kotlin class. This is an exact match, so assertThat("test").doesNotHaveClass(String::class) fails but assertThat("test").doesNotHaveClass(Any::class) is successful.

fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.doesNotHaveClass(jclass: Class<out T>)

Asserts the value does not have the expected java class. This is an exact match, so assertThat("test").doesNotHaveClass( is fails but assertThat("test").doesNotHaveClass( is successful.

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fun <T> Assert<Array<T>>.each(f: (Assert<T>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the array. The given lambda will be run for each item.

fun <E> Assert<Iterable<E>>.each(f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the iterable. The given lambda will be run for each item.

fun <E> Assert<Sequence<E>>.each(f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the sequence. The given lambda will be run for each item.

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fun Assert<List<*>>.endsWith(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the list ends with the expected elements, in the same order.

fun Assert<CharSequence>.endsWith(other: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the char sequence ends with the expected char sequence.

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fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.exactly(times: Int, f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the iterable, passing if exactly times items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

fun <E, T : Sequence<E>> Assert<T>.exactly(times: Int, f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the sequence, passing if exactly times items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

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Asserts the file exists.

fun Assert<Path>.exists(vararg options: LinkOption)

Assert that the path exists.

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fun <T> Assert<T>.expected(message: String, expected: Any? = NONE, actual: Any? = NONE): Nothing

Fails an assert with the given expected message. These should be in the format:

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fun <T> Assert<T>.expectedListDiff(expected: List<Any?>, actual: List<Any?>)

Fails an assert with an error message diffing the two given lists.

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Returns an assert on the file's extension.

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fun <E, R> Assert<Array<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R): Assert<List<R>>

Extracts a value of from each item in the array, allowing you to assert on a list of those values.

fun <E, R> Assert<Iterable<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R): Assert<List<R>>

Extracts a value of from each item in the iterable, allowing you to assert on a list of those values.

fun <E, R> Assert<Sequence<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R): Assert<Sequence<R>>

Extracts a value of from each item in the sequence, allowing you to assert on a list of those values.

fun <E, R1, R2> Assert<Array<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R1, f2: (E) -> R2): Assert<List<Pair<R1, R2>>>

Extracts two values of from each item in the array, allowing you to assert on a list of paris of those values.

fun <E, R1, R2> Assert<Iterable<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R1, f2: (E) -> R2): Assert<List<Pair<R1, R2>>>

Extracts two values of from each item in the iterable, allowing you to assert on a list of paris of those values.

fun <E, R1, R2> Assert<Sequence<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R1, f2: (E) -> R2): Assert<Sequence<Pair<R1, R2>>>

Extracts two values of from each item in the sequence, allowing you to assert on a list of paris of those values.

fun <E, R1, R2, R3> Assert<Array<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R1, f2: (E) -> R2, f3: (E) -> R3): Assert<List<Triple<R1, R2, R3>>>

Extracts three values from each item in the array, allowing you to assert on a list of triples of those values.

fun <E, R1, R2, R3> Assert<Iterable<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R1, f2: (E) -> R2, f3: (E) -> R3): Assert<List<Triple<R1, R2, R3>>>

Extracts three values from each item in the iterable, allowing you to assert on a list of triples of those values.

fun <E, R1, R2, R3> Assert<Sequence<E>>.extracting(f1: (E) -> R1, f2: (E) -> R2, f3: (E) -> R3): Assert<Sequence<Triple<R1, R2, R3>>>

Extracts three values from each item in the sequence, allowing you to assert on a list of triples of those values.

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fun <T> Assert<T>.fail(expected: Any?, actual: Any?)

Fails an assert with the given expected and actual values.

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fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.first(): Assert<E>

Asserts the iterable is not empty, and returns an assert on the first element.

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inline fun given(assertion: (T) -> Unit)

Allows checking the actual value of an assert. This can be used to build your own custom assertions.

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Asserts the throwable is similar to the expected cause, checking the type and message.

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inline fun <T : Any> Assert<Any>.hasClass()

Asserts the value has the expected kotlin class. This is an exact match, so assertThat("test").hasClass<String>() is successful but assertThat("test").hasClass<Any>() fails.

fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.hasClass(kclass: KClass<out T>)

Asserts the value has the expected kotlin class. This is an exact match, so assertThat("test").hasClass(String::class) is successful but assertThat("test").hasClass(Any::class) fails.

fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.hasClass(jclass: Class<out T>)

Asserts the value has the expected java class. This is an exact match, so assertThat("test").hasClass( is successful but assertThat("test").hasClass( fails.

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fun Assert<File>.hasDirectChild(expected: File)

Asserts the file has the expected direct child.

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fun Assert<File>.hasExtension(expected: String)

Asserts the file has the expected extension.

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fun Assert<Any>.hasHashCode(hashCode: Int)

Asserts the value has the expected hash code from it's hashCode.

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Returns an assert on the hasCode method of the value.

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Asserts the char sequence has the expected length.

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Asserts the char sequence has the expected number of lines.

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Asserts the throwable has the expected message.

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fun Assert<File>.hasName(expected: String)

Asserts the file has the expected name.

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Asserts the throwable has no cause.

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Asserts that the actual stream has a different content as the expected stream. Both InputStreams will be closed by the assertion.

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fun Assert<File>.hasParent(expected: String)

Asserts the file has the expected parent path.

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fun Assert<File>.hasPath(expected: String)

Asserts the file has the expected path.

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Asserts the throwable is similar to the expected root cause, checking the type and message.

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Asserts that the actual stream has the same content as the expected stream. Both InputStreams will be closed by the assertion.

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Asserts the char sequence has the same length as the expected one.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.hasSameSizeAs(other: Array<*>)

Asserts the array has the same size as the expected array.

Asserts the collection has the same size as the expected collection.

fun Assert<Map<*, *>>.hasSameSizeAs(other: Map<*, *>)

Asserts the map has the same size as the expected map.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.hasSize(size: Int)

Asserts the array has the expected size.

fun Assert<Collection<*>>.hasSize(size: Int)
fun Assert<Map<*, *>>.hasSize(size: Int)

Asserts the collection has the expected size.

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fun Assert<File>.hasText(expected: String, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8)

Asserts the file contains exactly the expected text (and nothing else).

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fun Assert<Any?>.hasToString(string: String)

Asserts the value has the expected string from it's toString.

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fun <T> Assert<Optional<T>>.hasValue(expected: T)

Asserts the optional has the expected value.

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fun <T> Assert<Array<T>>.index(index: Int): Assert<T>

Returns an assert that assertion on the value at the given index in the array.

fun <T> Assert<List<T>>.index(index: Int): Assert<T>

Returns an assert that assertion on the value at the given index in the list.

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fun <A, B : Comparable<A>> Assert<B>.isBetween(start: A, end: A)

Asserts the value is between the expected start and end values, inclusive.

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fun Assert<Double>.isCloseTo(value: Double, delta: Double)
fun Assert<Float>.isCloseTo(value: Float, delta: Float)

Asserts the value if it is close to the expected value with given delta.

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fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isDataClassEqualTo(expected: T)

Like isEqualTo but reports exactly which properties differ. Only supports data classes. Note: you should not use this if your data class has a custom Any.equals since it can be misleading.

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Asserts the file is a directory.

fun Assert<Path>.isDirectory(vararg options: LinkOption)

Assert that the path is a directory.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.isEmpty()

Asserts the array is empty.

Asserts the char sequence is empty.

fun Assert<Map<*, *>>.isEmpty()

Asserts the collection is empty.

Asserts the iterable is empty.

Asserts the sequence is empty.

Asserts optional's value is not present.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isEqualByComparingTo(expected: T)

Asserts that value is equal when comparing using {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)}.

Asserts that actual.compareTo(BigDecimal(expected) == 0.

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fun <T> Assert<T>.isEqualTo(expected: T)

Asserts the value is equal to the expected one, using ==.

fun <T> Assert<Array<T>>.isEqualTo(expected: Array<T>)

Asserts the array contents are equal to the expected one, using contentDeepEquals.

fun Assert<String?>.isEqualTo(other: String?, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the string is equal to the expected string.

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fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isEqualToIgnoringGivenProperties(other: T, vararg properties: KProperty1<T, Any?>)

Returns an assert that compares all accessible properties except the given properties on the calling class.

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fun <T> Assert<T>.isEqualToWithGivenProperties(other: T, vararg properties: KProperty1<T, Any?>)

Returns an assert that compares only the given properties on the calling class

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Assert that the path is an executable.

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Asserts the given Result threw an exception, returning that exception if it was or failing it if didn't.

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Asserts the boolean is false.

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Asserts the file is a simple file (not a directory).

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fun <A, B : Comparable<A>> Assert<B>.isGreaterThan(other: A)

Asserts the value is greater than the expected value, using >.

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Asserts the value is greater or equal to the expected value, using >=.

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Asserts the file is hidden.

Assert that the path is hidden.

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fun <T> Assert<T>.isIn(vararg values: T)

Asserts the value is in the expected values, using in.

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inline fun <T : Any> Assert<Any>.isInstanceOf(): Assert<T>

Asserts the value is an instance of the expected kotlin class. Both assertThat("test").isInstanceOf<String>() and assertThat("test").isInstanceOf<Any>() are successful.

fun <T : Any> Assert<Any>.isInstanceOf(kclass: KClass<T>): Assert<T>

Asserts the value is an instance of the expected kotlin class. Both assertThat("test").isInstanceOf(String::class) and assertThat("test").isInstanceOf(Any::class) are successful.

fun <T : Any, S : T> Assert<T>.isInstanceOf(jclass: Class<S>): Assert<S>

Asserts the value is an instance of the expected java class. Both assertThat("test").isInstanceOf( and assertThat("test").isInstanceOf( is successful.

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fun <A, B : Comparable<A>> Assert<B>.isLessThan(other: A)

Asserts the value is less than the expected value, using <.

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Asserts the value is less than or equal to the expected value, using <=.

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Asserts the number is less than 0.

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Asserts the array is not empty.

Asserts the char sequence is not empty.

fun Assert<Map<*, *>>.isNotEmpty()

Asserts the collection is not empty.

Asserts the iterable is not empty.

Asserts the sequence is not empty.

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fun Assert<Any?>.isNotEqualTo(expected: Any?)

Asserts the value is not equal to the expected one, using !=.

fun <T> Assert<Array<T>>.isNotEqualTo(expected: Array<T>)

Asserts the array contents are not equal to the expected one, using contentDeepEquals.

fun Assert<String?>.isNotEqualTo(other: String?, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the string is not equal to the expected string.

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Asserts the file is not hidden.

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fun <T> Assert<T>.isNotIn(vararg values: T)

Asserts the value is not in the expected values, using !in.

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inline fun <T : Any> Assert<Any>.isNotInstanceOf()

Asserts the value is not an instance of the expected kotlin class. Both assertThat("test").isNotInstanceOf<String>() and assertThat("test").isNotInstanceOf<String>() fail.

fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isNotInstanceOf(kclass: KClass<out T>)

Asserts the value is not an instance of the expected kotlin class. Both assertThat("test").isNotInstanceOf(String::class) and assertThat("test").isNotInstanceOf(Any::class) fail.

fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isNotInstanceOf(jclass: Class<out T>)

Asserts the value is not an instance of the expected java class. Both assertThat("test").isNotInstanceOf(String::class) and assertThat("test").isNotInstanceOf(Any::class) fails.

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fun <T : Any> Assert<T?>.isNotNull(): Assert<T>

Asserts the value is not null. You can pass in an optional lambda to run additional assertions on the non-null value.

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fun Assert<Any?>.isNotSameAs(expected: Any?)

Asserts the value is not the same as the expected one, using !==.

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fun Assert<Any?>.isNotSameInstanceAs(expected: Any?)

Asserts the value is not the same as the expected one, using !==.

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Asserts the number is not 0.

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fun Assert<Any?>.isNull()

Asserts the value is null.

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Asserts the array is null or empty.

Asserts the char sequence is null or empty.

fun Assert<Map<*, *>?>.isNullOrEmpty()

Asserts the collection is null or empty.

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Asserts the number is greater than 0.

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Asserts that optional's value is present

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Assert that the path is readable.

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fun Assert<Path>.isRegularFile(vararg options: LinkOption)

Assert that the path is a regular file.

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fun <T> Assert<T>.isSameAs(expected: T)

Asserts the value is the same as the expected one, using ===.

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fun Assert<Path>.isSameFileAs(expected: Path)

Assert that the path points to the same object as the other path.

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fun <T> Assert<T>.isSameInstanceAs(expected: T)

Asserts the value is the same as the expected one, using ===.

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fun <A, B : Comparable<A>> Assert<B>.isStrictlyBetween(start: A, end: A)

Asserts the value is between the expected start and end values, non-inclusive.

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Asserts the given Result successful returned a value, returning its result if it did or failing if it didn't.

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Assert that the path is a symbolic link.

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Asserts the boolean is true.

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Assert that the path is writable link.

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Asserts the number is 0.

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fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.jClass(): Assert<Class<out T>>

Returns an assert on the java class of the value.

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Returns an assert on the kotlin class of the value.

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fun <K, V> Assert<Map<K, V>>.key(key: K): Assert<V>

Returns an assert that asserts on the value at the given key in the map.

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Returns an assert on the CharSequence's length.

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fun Assert<Path>.lines(charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): Assert<List<String>>

Assert on file lines

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Asserts the char sequence matches the expected regular expression.

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Asserts if the values satisfies the predicate provided.

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Returns an assert on the throwable's message.

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Asserts the throwable contains the expected text

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Returns an assert on the file's name.

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fun <E> Assert<Iterable<E>>.none(f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the iterable, passing if none of the items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

fun <E> Assert<Sequence<E>>.none(f: (Assert<E>) -> Unit)

Asserts on each item in the sequence, passing if none of the items pass. The given lambda will be run for each item.

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Returns an assert on the file's parent.

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Returns an assert on the file's path.

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fun <T, R, F : (T) -> R, KCallable<R>> Assert<T>.prop(callable: F): Assert<R>

Returns an assert that asserts on the result of calling the given function.

fun <T, P> Assert<T>.prop(property: KProperty1<T, P>): Assert<P>

Returns an assert that asserts on the given property.

fun <T, P> Assert<T>.prop(name: String, extract: (T) -> P): Assert<P>

Returns an assert that asserts on the given property of the value.

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Returns an assert on the throwable's root cause.

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fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.single(): Assert<E>

Asserts the iterable contains exactly one element, and returns an assert on that element.

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fun Assert<Array<*>>.size(): Assert<Int>

Returns an assert on the Arrays's size.

Returns an assert on the Collection's size.

fun Assert<Map<*, *>>.size(): Assert<Int>

Returns an assert on the Maps's size.

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Returns an assert on the throwable's stack trace.

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fun Assert<List<*>>.startsWith(vararg elements: Any?)

Asserts the list starts with the expected elements, in the same order.

fun Assert<CharSequence>.startsWith(other: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)

Asserts the char sequence starts with the expected char sequence.

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fun Assert<File>.text(charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): Assert<String>

Returns an assert on the file's contents as text.

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Returns an assert on the toString method of the value.

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inline fun <R> transform(name: String? =, transform: (T) -> R): Assert<R>

Transforms an assertion from one type to another. If the assertion is failing the resulting assertion will still be failing, otherwise the mapping function is called. An optional name can be provided, otherwise this assertion's name will be used.