
public struct InlineSortFunction: CornerSortFunction

A SortFunction that animates the views in as if they were reading text from left to right (based on the corner that you set). - Note: If you set any type of right corner, then the views will enter as if you are reading text from right to left.

  • A SortFunction that animates the views in as if they were reading text from left to right (based on the corner that you set). - Note: If you set any type of right corner, then the views will enter as if you are reading text from right to left.



    public var interObjectDelay: TimeInterval
  • A SortFunction that animates the views in as if they were reading text from left to right (based on the corner that you set). - Note: If you set any type of right corner, then the views will enter as if you are reading text from right to left.



    public var reversed: Bool = false
  • A SortFunction that animates the views in as if they were reading text from left to right (based on the corner that you set). - Note: If you set any type of right corner, then the views will enter as if you are reading text from right to left.



    public var corner: Corner
  • Undocumented



    public struct InlineSortFunction: CornerSortFunction
  • A SortFunction that animates the views in as if they were reading text from left to right (based on the corner that you set). - Note: If you set any type of right corner, then the views will enter as if you are reading text from right to left.



    public func timeOffsets(view: UIView, recursiveDepth: Int) -> [TimedView]



    the view whose subviews should be animated. This view should not be included in the returned array


    an int describing how deep into the view hiearchy the subview search should go, defaults to 0. A value of 0 is the same as calling the subviews on the actual view itself. Therefore a depth of 1 will be getting the subviews of each of the subviews, etc…

    Return Value

    an array of TimedView’s which contain references to the view needed to be animated and the time offset for when the animation of that individual view should start relative to the start of the overall animation